Chocolate Banana Muffins

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cook Time : 30 min

Servings: 8


1 cup almond butter

1 egg, whisked

3 bananas, chopped

½ cup cocoa powder

2 tablespoons raw honey

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1. In a bowl, mix almond butter with bananas, cocoa powder, egg, vanilla extract and honey and stir very well.

2. Pour this into a muffin tray, Bake at 375 degrees F for 30 minutes.

3. Leave muffins to cool down for 5 minutes,            removed from muffin tray and serve.


Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cook Time : 30 min

Servings: 8


 Chocolate Banana



calories 171, fat 19, fiber 1, carbs 24, protein 10

Michelle BogdenComment